Studying in Ireland is nothing short of a magical affair. The natural beauty, the enriching culture and the mesmerizing castles are just some of the perks that can be witnessed in the country. But what makes your study abroad experience more memorable is choosing the right course while you’re studying abroad in Ireland.

VDIEC Brings to you the 5 most popular courses of master’s level that you can choose to study in Ireland.

  1. Bio-Engineering - The Bio-Engineering degree in Ireland is among the top in the world. The course prepares you to practice in the field of medicine or you can choose to go for a Ph.D. at either Ireland or anywhere in the world. It is one of the most sought-after programs in Ireland and provides many opportunities to students all over the world.

  1. Biodiversity & Conservation - For those who are enthusiastic about environmental science, this is one of the most practical course out there. Students get to experience and study the unique geological make of Ireland in this one year long program.

  1. Law - Whether you study private of public law, no other country offers you the opportunity to study and practice law along with students from all over the world. In the programs designed for law by Ireland, students get to learn from their peers as much as they get to learn from their teachers. To top this, the international approach in the law programs prepares the students for law careers all across the world.

  1. Global health - For students looking for health-related courses that would give them the global platform to practice and gain experience from, this master’s degree is just the right fit. This course allows students in Ireland to study health issues that are prevalent internationally while also focusing on the health concerns that affect Ireland.

  1. Creative Writing - Ireland, being the birth place to some of the literary geniuses to ever exist, offers one of a kind Creative Writing Master’s degree where students can work on their writing skills by studying under some of the finest teachers in the world. Students get to explore the wonderful and unique history and culture of Ireland while learning from their peers and various workshops.

To get more information about your studying abroad options , contact us on +91 8602 389 111. You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad . You can also visit us on www.VDIEC.com for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education .