We live in the era of technological marvel. From the latest means of communication to the fastest, we have the best of the best. But with the sudden and rising threat of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), we have been pushed into the digital world even more. Which, for now, can not only save your life, but those of others around you too.

It is quite overwhelming when you have to spend all your time indoors and sometimes, you may have the urge to go out and appreciate nature, but it is pertinent that in times such as this, you stay indoors at all times. As more and more of the world is going into lockdown and self-quarantine mode, VDIEC brings to you the various activities you can do to keep yourself occupied during this time.

  1. Read- Have you ever procrastinated on reading the book you always wanted? Putting it off to the weekend or saying to yourself ‘I’ll start it next month’? Now is the right time to dust the dirt off the book and pick it up. Since most of the world is closing shops one by one, it is advisable that you don’t go out to buy books but rather you go digital. There are many online sites were you can read or buy ebooks and read to your heart’s content. You can even join groups on Reddit that have book realated subreddits or look for book lovers on Facebook or Twitter to form a small club that can keep you connected via social media.
  2. TV shows/ Movies- The world was already half preparing itself for self-quarantine when we saw the onset of online streaming services such as Netflix, Zulu, Amazon Prime etc. But now that it’s on full scale, there is no better reason to indulge yourself in the sinful pleasure. On basic charge, you get access to movies and TV shows from all over the world at your fingertip that will keep you glued to your couch for days. Binge watching is the new workout plan. Our recommendation- Money Heist, Black Mirror, Kingdom, Peaky Blinders, Lucifer, The Good Place.
  3. Music- When it comes to music, you just can’t go wrong. With online streaming platforms such as Spotify and YouTube Music, you have access to the music from all over the world. Found a song you instantly liked but don’t know the name of? Download Shazam and find out. Make a playlist, share it with your friends and listen to it with them. You can still jam to a bop with your friends while being miles away with the help of video calling.
  4. Games- If you’re into games, you have access to the most well connected network in the world as gamers throughout have been socializing from the comfort of their homes for years now. Join any online gaming community and you can make friends you can play with, play against, talk to and even strategize with.
  5. Stay in touch with family and friends- Despite how much you enjoy spending time on your own, or let the above list help you with your time, it is important to stay in touch with your family and friends on regular basis. You can talk to them, share recipes, your daily activities, you can make daily goals together, make workout plans you can do while video conferencing, watch movies and shows together and even have a party with them through the aid of social media. There is no limit to what you can do, just don’t go hanging out with them in person because your health is and those of others, depends on how well isolated you are.

Kindly follow WHO guidelines on what to do and what to avoid while keeping yourself safe from Coronavirus. The unity that we show while self-quarantining, can lead to the wiping this disease out of this world. Stay safe and keep those around you safe as well.