Study Overseas scholarships are a great help

Study Overseas scholarships are a great help for the students of any country who aspire to pursue their studies in a foreign country. The scholarship are provided on the basis of the academic merits of the students, and are always at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee of the university in which the student applies. Students with strong academics and with extracurricular achievements would be eligible for scholarship and financial assistance. We at VDIEC helps students apply for these scholarships and guide them through the process, it is always necessary to prepare early for achieving these scholarships. Our counsellors find the right university and scholarship which can be raised from that particular university based on the student’s academic achievements.

Below are the major study abroad scholarships that students can receive:

  • Merit Based Scholarship: For students who have good academic score along with the extracurricular achievements are eligible to get this scholarship.
  • Need Based Scholarship: The students who cannot afford the studies, come from a monetarily less fortunate background and need financial assistance, but have a good academic score or athletic achievement are eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship would range from covering full tuition fees to partial tuition fees, accommodation costs and even the cost of books at times.
  • Student Specific Scholarship: These scholarships are awarded to students with different characteristics ranging from race, gender, religion to medical issues. These scholarships are targeted to minority groups.
  • Career Specific Scholarship: Universities with the agenda to produce talent for skill shortage areas often gives scholarship to students for choosing within the listed skill based programs. Hence the students pursuing those courses may get financial assistance from the institution.
  • College Specific Scholarship: These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academics, personal achievements, extra-curricular activities, etc. The aim is to enhance the knowledge system of the university.
  • Full/ Partial Scholarship: Mostly students get partial scholarships which covers living, books, or a part of tuition fees which is the partial scholarship, whereas full scholarship would cover the complete living, books and tuition cost.

Here at VDIEC meet our counsellors to get the appropriate scholarship based on the academics and other achievements; we will help you to identify which scholarship would fit your need criteria.