When it comes to studying abroad, there are certain things you must absolutely take care of. Apart from the accommodation and your travel expenses, one of the most important aspect of a study abroad system is health insurance, which in many cases, is not optional.

There are many reasons why having a health insurance in vital when you are studying abroad, first of which is that it saves you from spending huge amount of money in case of emergencies. In most developed countries, healthcare is pretty expensive state of affair.

VDEIC will guide you to help you figure out all that you need to know about health insurance before you go abroad for your education.


The best way to start finding health insurance is to either talk to the counselors who are helping you with your study abroad plans or your education provider. They will be the best guides who can tell you the kind of insurance you would need and can even tell you if your course fee covers any part of it. In certain cases, the health insurance could also be available as an add-on to your program while in other cases, you will have to look for one yourself. But in all cases, either your counselors or your education providers would be able to help you figure this out.


It’s good if you have a health insurance in your home country but it might not necessarily apply to other countries. You will have to find out if the country you’re planning to go to, is covered under your health insurance. It could be a tedious work but don’t hesitate to call your insurance company and ask for any and all details about your insurance. Ask about what all is covered under your insurance and what all is excluded.

In case your existing health insurance isn’t covered in the country you wish to study in, you will be guided to procure one that will be covered in the foreign country you’re going to.


If you do not have an existing health insurance or even a policy, you still have many options to choose from. You will first need to find out what your university offers. You can choose to go for a plan that covers you in your host country only or choose a plan that covers you in both home as well as host country in case you’re traveling back home while you’re injured or if it happens while you’re traveling. Choosing a domestic policy is your choice but we will suggest that you definitely choose one that covers you while you’re studying abroad.


The first thing you need to do is make sure the health insurance covers your entire duration of stay while you’re studying abroad and is available in all the region you will be in during that duration. Also, make sure your insurance covers emergency medical treatment, which could also include transportation to your home country if needed.

Apart from this, you need to make sure all your current and pre-existing medical conditions are covered in that insurance. It is advisable that you have a round the clock physician support and if they can directly pay the hospital all expenses so that there is no hassle or delays.

Lastly, you need to see if the policy covers any and all medical emergencies that may arise, meaning the limit should be high enough for that.

All of these will be directly explained to you and in further details once you talk to our counselors about the details of your study abroad program. To know more, call us on +91 8602389111 or visit our website