One of the biggest difficulties students face while thinking of studying abroad is the destination. Picking a country for your study abroad experience is not an easy task. In doing so, one has to keep various factors in mind such as the quality of education, career opportunities, culture, living expense etc.

VDIEC brings to you top five countries Indian students should keep in mind while deciding to study abroad in 2020.

  1. Spain - right from rich culture to a high quality education, Spain has everything a student would want in their study abroad experience. Multicultural hubs such as Madrid and Barcelona are quite affordable when compared to many other European cities. Studying in this country comes with an added advantage for the students to have an opportunity to learn Spanish language as well.
  2. Germany - Being home to business centers of brands such as BMW, Bosch etc, Germany has to offer high quality education with relevant training along with its affordable educational structure. Famous for STEM courses, German universities pack industry related courses that make the students employment ready by the time they graduate.
  3. Japan - Japan has steadily been making its way to the top for education in the past few years. The exceptional history of the country in combination of the innovation is every field, makes the students learn more than they would ever expect to. Along with STEM courses, Japan offers some of the best arts program in the world.
  4. Italy - The food is what makes students want to come to Italy and it’s everything else that makes them want to stay. Known for its hospitality, Italy is immersed in years and years of rich cultural traditions that every visitor loves to explore. The weather in Italy is usually to everyone’s liking and to add on to that, they have some of the best educational programs that Europe has to offer.
  5. France - France has a multitude of things that it offers in terms of education, culture, experience and networking. It has been a consistent attractor of international students from all over the world, especially for students who like to fall in love with arts. Apart from that, it also hosts the Fashion Hub of the World- Paris.

To get more information about your studying abroad options , contact us on +91 8602 389 111. You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad . You can also visit us on for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education .