Top 6 Reasons Why Indian Students Choose To Study In Australia

Australia has the third largest number of foreign students, falling just behind the UK and US. As per a study by Project Atlas in 2015, about 12.1% of the total international students in Australia are Indians. Believe it or not, Australia is a top choice among Indian students when opting to study abroad.

When thinking about Australia, we often get deluded by the thoughts of kangaroos and green pastures, but we often forget that there is so much more that makes Australia one of the top choices among international students. Here are a few reasons why Australia is highly preferred by Indian Students for their higher studies:

  1. Globally Recognized Degree- The degrees from Australian Universities are recognized throughout the world. Graduates from Australia are immensely successful in finding jobs and other employment prospects after the completion of their studies.
  2. Education- The education is Australia is top quality. Not only do they offer the best available facilities, they also offer a wide range of courses that suit almost anyone and everyone.
  3. Work Permit- International students have the freedom of working up to 40 hours per fortnight, that not only gives them the opportunity to earn money, but it also gives them hands experience and a chance to meet a variety of people.
  4. Multiculturalism- Australia has a diverse culture. It is mainly because the Australian government is open to all cultures and fosters cultural diversity. In other words, you will never feel alone in this country because you will get to meet and associate with people from your own, as well as other cultures.

5.Cost of living- The living expenses in Australia, though higher than India, is still cheaper than that of the UK and the US. The students can easily find cheap accommodation, and with the opportunity to work in Australia as well, this is quite convenient for the students.

  1. Job opportunities- Other countries may close the employment doors for you after your education, or may be open to just selective professions, but in Australia, the opportunity to work post education is vast and ranges from a variety of professions.

The open mindedness of people in Australia and the government’s willingness to make it one of the best educational hubs for international students have led to the vast shift among the Indian students when choosing to study abroad. This trend, it seems will grow more and more in the future.

To get more information about Australia and your studying abroad options in Australia, contact us on 1800-274-2041 . You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad . You can also visit us on for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education .