Top GRE preparation Tips

Thousands of students take the GRE test every year. The Graduate Record Exam or GRE is designed to check the mathematical and comprehensive skills of an individual. It is a computer adaptive test which lasts for about 3 hours and 45 minutes.

The GRE test is divided into 3 main sections namely AWA (analytical writing), Quantitative and Verbal. VDIEC brings to you top 5 GRE preparation tips-

1. Prepare well in advance- It is important to start preparing for GRE early. If you’re in for final few semesters of graduation, there is a good chance you haven’t touched either the Verbal or the Quant type subjects in a long time. It may take several weeks to get into the habit of regular practice to score well. So it is important that you start your preparation well in advance so that you are not burdened with both GRE and you semester exams at the same time.

2. Dictionary is not your gospel- You will need to cram words in order to score good marks in the verbal section. Most of which will happen only if you learn most of the GRE words. While memorizing them, it is important that you understand the context of the words rather than just the meaning. Since the verbal questions use words in variation of sentences, it is important that you not only learn the exact meaning, but are also aware of the synonymous context in which those words are used.

3. Strengthen your base- Before you go on the conquest of breaking mountains, it is important that your first conquer the speed bumps. Even though the simple forms of questions are quite uncommon in GRE, it is important to have your base clear before you embark upon solving difficult questions. Brush up on all the basic mathematical calculations and formulas that you may have studies at school because you will need to use them at certain points at GRE.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice- In order to get a good score, it is important that you practice a lot and that you take online tests seriously. Any mock test will replicate the actual test format, which will be time based and your chances of scoring high will depend on how well you score in these practice tests. Try to be as honest to these tests as you would be to the actual one. Do not take breaks or pause the test, because if you become habitual of this format, the actual test will be very tiresome for you. In the main test, you only get one break after you complete your AWA and two sections of Quant /Verbal set. Make sure that you follow the schedule as it is supposed to be.

5. Productivity- Spending anything less than 4 to 5 hours daily on GRE is fruitless. If you want good scores, you have to spare this much time for daily practices. Will more practice, your chances of solving questions faster will increase. You will not only start attempting questions faster, but your chances of errors might decrease too. Spending a longer period of time on trying to improve your writing, quant, verbal and vocabulary skills will give you a better opportunity to score more. GRE isn’t about easy tricks that can help you score high. It is about actual skills and applying those skills to use the test to your advantage. The trick lies in long, continued practice.

We hope those tips will help in guiding you better for GRE preparation. To know more about GRE, GMAT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE, contact us on 1800-274-2041. You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad. You can also visit us on for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education.