With massive changes taking place all over the world, because of COVID-19, one of the biggest challenges we’ve had to face is being self-quarantined, especially if you are studying abroad and living alone.

VDIEC brings to you ways in which you can still feel connected to the world even if you are limited to the thresholds of your home so the lockdown doesn’t take a toll on you.

  1. Stay in touch with NEWS - News, both locally and globally, gives you a clear picture of whatever is going around the world. Finding out what is happening in your host country as well as your home country will help you stay connected to the people out there.

  1. Online exploration - So what if you are confined to the borders of your own home. We live in the age of internet and nothing is beyond our grasp. Not only have the companies turned to complete remote access but so have places like art galleries and museums. There are many resources like this, waiting to be explored if you’re willing to explore them.

  1. Read - With the introduction of e-book a few years back, gaining access to books to read, especially in the times of pandemic, has never been this easy. There are many apps that provide some free books along with paid ones you can purchase and read. So stop procrastinating on the book you have always planned to read and start now.

  1. Explore Social Media - Nothing has brought the world together like social media. You can search for hashtags for cities to stay updated and you can talk to people from your city to make new friends and keep yourself updated.

  1. Try new things - There are many things you can do while you’re at home. Follow a hobby page on Instagram and develop a new hobby, start cooking and make new dishes, learn to paint, learn a new language, make new friends and connect to them, there is no limit to what you can do if you just have the internet to keep you company.

To get more information about your studying abroad options , contact us on +91 8602 389 111. You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad . You can also visit us on www.VDIEC.com for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education .