24 Months Stay Back In Ireland After Master’s Or PHD

Ireland has been one of the top most favorable choices for Indian students for their study destination abroad. Not only is the education in Ireland renowned for its quality and approach, the mesmerizing landscape and the ancient castles and monuments have attracted visitors since long. Ireland has a huge international student market and the Irish government has recently made some serious alterations to its international students’ stay back policy.

The benefit of studying in Ireland is no secret. So far, there was a 12 months stay back in Ireland for the students who complete their master’s and doctoral programs from the country. But recently, the Irish government made some crucial alterations to this policy which led to the extension of this stay back period from 12 months to 24 months.
This policy, that specifically targets the non EU/EEA students, gives the students who are completing their advance degree, an opportunity to seek employment and stay in the country for up to 2 years, with a work permit of about 40 hours per week.

Up until now, only countries like Canada and Australia provided stay back visas. Ireland recently stepped up to level with such countries to change its stay back options. These changes have been taken up to in order to fulfill certain goals set by Ireland with respect to education. The Irish government plans for the following-
a. 33% increment in international students, reaching up to 44,000 international students by 2019-2020.
b. 25% increment in English Language Teaching (ELT) programs
c. 1/3rd increment in the economic impact of the educational sector
It seems that this extension in the stay back option is aimed at increasing Ireland’s International competitiveness as a choice of study destination.
This extension is only valid for students who have studied at level 9 or above from the National Framework of Qualifications and have awards granted by a recognized Irish awarding body.
To get more information about Ireland and your studying abroad options in Ireland, contact us on 1800-274-2041. You can visit our office to know the courses that will fit your plans of Studying Abroad. You can also visit us on www.VDIEC.com for more details on free counseling and Overseas Education.